Our Myrtle Beach Home

It’s hard to believe…

But, we’ve been in our Myrtle Beach home 10 months already!! We closed on this house last March as crazy as it is. Of course, you may not think it’s that crazy, but to me it doesn’t really seem like it’s been that long. Now, the boys and I didn’t move into our house officially until June of last year due to them still going to school in Summerville so maybe that’s why??

Moving here to this area and this house specifically has been a really good thing. We both love it here!! We feel like MB has been a great fit for our family…well, at least for Joe and I. Don’t get me wrong, Addison seems to enjoy MB and he’s starting to get connected at school and at church and he’s on a (different) church basketball league so that’s great, but I think he misses quite a few friends from Summerville. I’m 100% sure he will be fully adjusted in time, after all he has his best friend, Ryan, here! πŸ˜€And then of course the rest of our crew are out of the house (most of the time — Bradley comes home on college breaks, but even those stays are shorter than they used to be). Going from at least 3 kiddos at home at one time to now 1 has been quite the adjustment! It’s very quiet! πŸ˜”

You know the saying, “the days are long, but the years are short.” Such truth!!

Back to our new home and hometown, a few weeks ago I found myself driving back home from the beach. I had decided to take my walk on the beach that day. On my drive back, I took a route I don’t normally take, thanks to my GPS (because I still need it…don’t judge! 😜) While looking around at unfamiliar sights I noticed lots of beautiful palm trees and pretty homes. I just thought to myself “I love it here!!” This is such a pretty place…now, of course that depends on what part of Myrtle Beach you’re looking at because there are definitely some parts of MB that are NOT pretty, but I think that’s anywhere. There’s MUCH less traffic here than in Summerville!! Beach access and parking is usually not a problem. We have tons of great restaurants and shopping. Lots of activities to do…like, car races for instance! 😜

Then, there’s our home. You see, I’ve wanted a previously lived-in, not brand new home for several years so this time, I got it!! I won. πŸ™Œ Joe loves moving into a brand new home, but I don’t, necessarily. I know that might sound kinda strange, but I like to fix and change things to my style. I love to make rooms look pretty to me. I, also, love to redo and update. I love to have projects going! And so, when I move into a brand new home it’s hard to justify changing a lot of things so I usually don’t. And so, that’s boring to me.

Before: Master bathroom (blue walls), my latest project
After: new wall color (whiteish/creamish/grayish) and shelves to store my necessary stuff!
After! Love it!! ❀️
This boy can climb a ladder quicker than any human. He likes to help paint, also.


Our house was 12 years old when we bought it. I know that’s not super old by any means, but there were lots of things I wanted to change. Cosmetic things. We’ve changed quite a bit, but we still have a lengthy list of things we want to do. With home ownership, I don’t think you really ever get the to-do list completely finished. At least I/we don’t.

Something else I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE about an “older” home is an established neighborhood. I can’t get enough of the big tall trees and the great big (flowering) bushes!! So beautiful!! When you move into a new home, usually it’s in a new neighborhood with super small (if any) trees. Blah! I’m over it.

I’m not sure what this is called, but it’s beautiful and it’s right outside our kitchen window.
This is not at our house, but it’s so pretty I had to share.
And, this view never gets old!! I wish this were my backyard view. But, a 15 minute drive to this ain’t bad! 😜



So, today is January 24th and this is my 2nd blog post of 2020! For me, that’s pretty stinkin’ great! 😁In my last blog I let y’all know my goals for 2020 and I’ll have you know I’m still going strong on all accounts. Yay!! For 24 days I’ve only had water and coffee to drink…honestly, it hasn’t been a big deal. I do still enjoy creamer in my coffee…that’s probably never going to change. Another one of my goals was to blog more consistently so that’s why I’m here today. But, I do have a favor to ask…if you like reading my blog even just a little bitty bit please give me ideas/things to write about. I did receive a few requests the last time I asked and I plan to use some of those ideas. One request was to write about my “awesome husband.” While he is pretty awesome in a lot of ways, I bet you can’t guess who made that suggestion!? 😜

Well, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy. Love ya, SusanΒ 


** Our Two Year Anni **

Welp, it’s been two years!

Some days it feels like we just moved here and other days it feels like we’ve been here 47 years.

The boys and I relocated here to South Carolina on March 3, 2016 and we closed on our new home on April 29, 2016. So, almost two years in our home. Joe moved here in October of 2015.

So, since we are at our two year anniversary, I thought I would give an update on life in The SC… *Warning* this is going to be transparent, if you prefer unicorns and rainbows then move right along.

  • Β First of all, relocation is HARD!! I mean really hard! At least for me, it is. I feel like I gave up my old life and began a new one. My old life consisted of great friends to have lunch or coffee with. Friends to talk about our kiddos with. Friends to laugh with. Friends to have over for family cook outs. My old life involved our church that we were deeply plugged into; an environment that made us feel “at home.” My old life was running into people that I knew at the grocery store and chatting for a bit. My new life looks nothing like the old one, unfortunately. (*I must say that I do have a really good friend here whom I am SO thankful for though — her and her family have been so good to us!*) Then you add the fact that our kids are now teenagers so they don’t require as much of me as they once did. All of those things combined leaves me feeling a bit empty, BUT also kind of excited about the next thing. I wholeheartedly believe God has good things in store for us just around the corner! πŸ™‚
  • I do like being here, but I often wonder at what cost. We gave up precious time with family and friends. Is being near the beach and enjoying warmer weather worth the sacrifice? I’m not sure.
  • We think we may have found our church, FINALLY!! We are not currently involved, but we hope to grow and learn and serve there very soon. Can I just say, trying to find a church that fits your family and your family’s needs is SUPER challenging!! I’m not sure why that is. Or, how to even fix that problem. We have been in this situation a few times and we know others that have, as well, and it’s a tough place to be. When I look for a church, I want to talk with and interact with “real” people that do not pretend to have it all together. I crave the authentic church that is outwardly focused. I want to see people helping people. I want to see the hands and feet of Jesus.
  • We are nearing the end of the school year and I don’t know who is more excited..the boys or myself?! I. Can. Not. Wait. School needs to be over with by now!! A few months off with no homework worries = BLISS!! Lord willing, Addison will be a freshman and Damian will be a senior next year. πŸ˜‰ Addison in high school…how in the actual heck did that happen?! Seriously!
  • Bradley is in his final weeks of his high school career and I’m still in shock. I feel like I just dropped him off for his first day of (half-day) Kindergarten at Cedar Grove Elementary not that long ago. Recently, his friend from their toddler years! and his family were here visiting. It was so great to hear them tell stories from their childhoods. We reminisced about Halloween costumes, Yu-gi-oh cards, McDonald’s playdates, Sesame Street Live, and on and on. I LOVED it!! So, now that high school is just about over with we are now trying to navigate the whole college thing. After two visits to the University of South Carolina, he’s really leaning towards USC. I think USC would be a great fit for him, it’s a fantastic school with a beautiful campus. The big question…How to pay for it?! It’s SO expensive!! Oh well, we’ll figure it out…I guess. :/
    Bradley and Dylan, buddies since birth.
    My boy. <3 I can’t handle the thought of him leaving me in a few short months.

    USC Gamecocks! Spurs up!
  • Caisey’s traveling gig is about to end. Once her time with KD ends (later this month), I believe her plan is to live and work near us in the Charleston area! Considering she has been away from “home” for 6 years, I am SO excited to have her close by!! She’s looking into teaching positions in the tri-county area here. I have no doubt that whatever route she takes in life she will be a success!
  • I’m still frustrated with the HOA. That’s not likely to ever change. I still want to paint my door whatever color I want and it not be an issue. Joe still doesn’t really understand my frustration. I’ve tried to “let it go”, but I can’t. If it was as easy to sell a house as it is a car or anything else we’d be out of here! I am a creative person and my outlet is to make things pretty, colorful, different, fun…not keep everything the same as everyone else!! So, it’s a struggle. I asked Joe, “how would you feel if you had to live in a home with all AC window units and you couldn’t change them AND it was a home you were buying–not renting?!” He gave me a puzzled look. I think he may now understand just a bit better. πŸ˜‰ Next house, you better believe I will read through the HOA rules with a fine tooth comb! Prayerfully, their will beΒ NO HOA.
  • In case you were wondering, Matthew and Hannah are getting along these days. That is as long as he doesn’t try to partake in her food. And, as long as she is allowed to partake in his food. If all things go according to Hannah’s plan then he may lay in Addison’s bed beside her. πŸ˜‰
    She is allowing him to lay next to her.

    Such a cute pic, I had to share. We all love Matt the cat so much!!
  • In the last two years we have entertained several peeps and used our guest room lots of times. We’ve even had some folks visit us more than once. We must be doing something right…or, it could be the lure of the beach. πŸ˜‰ Whatever draws them here, I am grateful! I love to prepare the guest room and get everything ready. My dream is to own a beach condo or rental of some sort one day! I’d like to rent it out some weeks of the year and use it other weeks of the year. Ideally I also would like to be the one to clean it and get it ready for the next guests. πŸ™‚

    Does this entice you?? πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
  • As for my last update, we’ve made 756,642 trips back and forth to Kentucky! I feel like most of those have been within the last couple of months. Ha! We are actually headed there this weekend for Bradley to attend prom with one of his very best friends. While it’s a long journey, especially when you add in both trips (to and fro) I’m super excited for him!! He will have so much fun!! –When we decided to move here my goal was to always be available to our friends and family (framily) back home. We have tried our best to do that. We may not always be able to make that trip, but we are always just a phone call away.

*In conclusion I feel the need to apologize.*

If I’m complaining too much for your liking in this blog post, I’m sorry. But the truth is, I am complaining. A lot. However, I realize I am beyond blessed! And, most days I am thankful and super grateful to be living this amazing life. I have SO much to be thankful for!!! But, there are days when I question and second guess every decision we made related to this relocation. I’m not sure when that will change. The only thing that keeps me sane on those days is reminding myself that God called us here. He placed the desire to “move to the beach” in us. He made that desire so intense that I believe had we not followed through we would have always wondered ‘what if?’

Ultimately, we choose to listen to Him. His plans are always good! Not easy, but good. We choose to look to Him for guidance and direction. Like the song says, “Wherever He leads I’ll go…”

So, I wonder where he’ll lead us next?! πŸ˜‰

Thank you for reading! ~Susan

When you have good lighting AND you actually do something with your life (like fix hair and makeup) you take a selfie. πŸ˜‰
#mybloggingbuddy #cutestboyever

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