Easy Peasy, Right?! Wrong!

‘Now is a good time to do this.’

‘This won’t be too bad.’

‘It’ll definitely be easier than last time.’

‘I’m sure it won’t take as long.’

Yada, yada, yada…you get the picture. Yeah, those were my thoughts at the very beginning of summer when we first started planning our next big move. I just knew it was going to be easier than the last time we made a big move. You remember that move, just 2.5 years ago. 😉 You know the one, where we moved 600 miles from home. The move that required us to leave our family and friends and everything we knew?! The move that transitioned our boys from their old, comfortable schools to new, much larger, more diverse schools. Yeah, that move. That had to be waaay more difficult than our upcoming relocation was going to be, right?!

So, let me define “big move” — when one is relocating themselves and their family at least 2 hours away from their current homestead. To me, that qualifies as a “big move.” Really, any move can be considered a “big move” in my book. Moving is hard, stressful, exciting, back breaking–literally, adventurous, exhausting, etc., etc. Anything that can have so many descriptors is “big!”

As I was alluding to,

I really thought this time was going to be different. Surely, it was going to be easier! It HAD to be!

Yet, here we are still in Summerville, SC — waiting. UGH!!!! At least some of us are. And, some of us are in Myrtle Beach working. Because you know… the job. And, the bills. And, the reason for the move.

Our sunsets here are absolutely amazing almost every single night. Looking on the bright side, people! 🙂

I was recently asked what I was looking forward to the most about moving to Myrtle Beach, while living closer to the beach ranks pretty close to the top of my list, the thing I’m most excited about is being “settled.” >>I use quotations around settled because…well, we don’t seem to mind moving. Ha! However, I am praying that we will settle in Myrtle Beach for the long haul, but only God knows what our future holds.<<So, as I was saying, I am looking forward to getting involved with a church in MB (for Joe, myself and our boys) and hosting get togethers at our house. I think we are all craving that connection…the boys, also, rather they realize it or not!

As I sit and think back to mid June, I’m really kinda shocked that we’re still waiting to move. I really did think it would be a pretty smooth transition. I thought our house would sell in a timely manner, we would move to our new home before school started, the boys would start the new school year in their new schools and life would just go on. Easy peasy, right?!


So, now I’m quickly realizing God has His plan and I have mine. Often times, the two do not align. And, even though I don’t understand what the deal is, I’m doing my best to trust in Him. His ways are so much better than mine! But golly, when I’m in the midst of something that I don’t want to be in, I get frustrated! Anyone else? Or is it just me?!

It’s funny how when life is going great we think we don’t really need God; we got this. Yet, when life gets hard, who do we turn to?!? Him, of course! As we should. We should always turn to Him!

I have realized though, in tough times and in times of waiting, those are the times that I grow THE most. I look to Him for guidance. For understanding. For peace. For courage. For all the things! I know that with Him all things are possible, but apart from Him I have nothing. He knows the big picture where as I can only see a small piece. So, as I wait, I will trust in Him to work all the details out for us and when the time is right, we will move. And, what a glorious day that’ll be!! 😉

In case you’re wondering, we’ve made some progress with selling our house, but we’re waiting on some other things to work out. So far that hasn’t happened. I don’t really want to share too much on my blog just yet. When the time is right and we head to closing, y’all will know, trust me! 🙂 In the meantime, if you could pray for all things to work out so we could sell this house and move that would be super fantastic!!! While I’m on the subject, what can I pray for you about?

I’ve been journaling the things I’m grateful for. It’s something I am starting to look forward to every morning. Life is too good not to!

Well, we’re hoping to have our new guest room ready to habitate soon, friends!! I can’t wait to see y’all!!! There’s nothing I like more than to get the guest bedroom and bathroom ready…one day, one day… I’m going to have an Air Bnb and if I’m really dreaming big a beach condo to rent out and for us to use. 🙂

In case you didn’t see my post, Bradley came home this weekend!! We were SO excited to see him and to hear about his college experience thus far. His brothers and Matt-the-cat have missed him, also! 😉
On Monday, Joe cooked breakfast and dinner! I was #winning !!
Then, Monday evening, Bradley had to leave us and return to college. Unfortunate for us and fortunate for him, I’m sure! 😉

Thank you for reading!! xoxo, Susan


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