Our Hurrication

We’ve called SC home for the past three hurricane seasons.

We’ve endured a hurricane or tropical storm all three of those years.

Two of those years we were asked to evacuate by the governor.

Since we aren’t from here, I thought that was normal for this area. However, after talking to some folks that are either from here or have been here longer than us, I’ve learned that dealing with a such massive storm is not a normal, annual thing.

Of course. 😉

So then, I started thinking, when we lived in NC years ago there were at least 2 hurricanes that went through that area that I can remember…and we only lived there for roughly three years!

I mean, seriously?!

I’m not sure if we are bringing the bad luck or not, but I will say, so far we’ve been very fortunate through these storms!! PTL!!! 🙂 🙂

While no one enjoys a situation like this, (although I think D would love for a big massive storm to come through and cause major destruction, he says he would love the adrenaline rush that would create… he’s clearly a 17 year old boy with no clue) it has been super nice having all of our kiddos at home with us! We’ve all had a little hurrication. 🙂 It’s been so nice to hang out with them, talk and laugh, watch TV, read, take walks (before the rain started, of course), eat, go to the grocery for food and supplies, eat, go to the store for more food, and eat some more! Y’all I’m sure we’ve gained some poundage due to this storm that didn’t really storm (for us).  But, that’s ok…I’m certainly NOT complaining!!!

shopping trip # 2, maybe # 4…you know, the essentials! ha!
on this trip Publix had plenty of water!
Ever seen this? A closed Walmart in the middle of the day. WM actually closed Tuesday – Saturday!!
No lunch meat at Publix.

This past Monday afternoon the schools here closed for the remainder of the week. At the time, they closed until further notice, but that turned out to be until the end of the week. Since the hurricane was originally expected to make landfall on Thursday they were giving everyone time to evacuate. This hurricane was so unpredictable, that was the craziest thing about it. One day it looked like Wilmington was going to get pounded then the next day it looked like Charleston was going to get the brunt of it! I don’t really think anyone truly knew what to expect. Even after it made landfall there was still a big question as to what it was going to do next. We talked about staying and then we tossed around the idea of leaving. It’s so hard to know what to do! Ultimately, we decided to stay home. And, I’m super glad we did!! The big thing about leaving is getting back home. Traffic is usually pretty bad getting back. Another big reason for us to stay is we have three animals. And, there are 6 of us! Talk about a lot of work just to get us out the door! I just wasn’t up for it. Not to even mention the expense of it. Sheesh!! Now, I do always say, if it’s a cat 4 or 5 and it’s predicted to come straight for us, we’re out!

Cleaning off the front porch. Getting it hurricane ready.
The kitties liked the front porch chairs in the dining room.
Took a little walk. It was great to get outside pre-Florence.
The calm before the storm.
Hurricane ready, for real!

As I stated, we really avoided this hurricane and I am SO SO thankful!!!! THANK YOU to everyone that prayed for us, text us, called us, FB messaged us, and offered their homes to us!!! We have THE BEST friends and family  — seriously! We appreciate it more than y’all know. 🙂

So glad my kiddos could come home and hang for a few days.

So, we are now at day 5 of being in the house, for the most part. I think we’re all starting to get a little stir crazy. The good news is we just received a call that Berkeley County Schools are expected to be in session on Monday. Caisey also got her notification that Charleston County Schools are in session on Monday, as well. Bradley goes back to class on Tuesday, but I think he’s planning to head back to Columbia tomorrow. Our little “vacay” has been nice, but we’re all ready for some sort of routine again, I think.

The best thing about windy, rainy days…kitty snuggles, good books, and tv time. 🙂

In closing, I want to ask that we all pray for those that were affected by Hurricane Florence. My heart absolutely breaks for them!! Such devastation. And, such loss.

Thank you for reading!! xoxo~ Susan


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